George Haddad, MDPC
Dr. George Haddad’s medical practice is located in Kenmore, NY. Dr. Haddad treats patients 18 years of age and older for general medical conditions.

New Patient Guide

Your initial visit with Dr. Haddad will include a physical exam. To prepare for your visit, please bring with you the following:

  • Insurance card, your copayment, and any picture ID
  • List of current medications and preferably bring your bottles in a plastic bag
  • Send a release of records from your previous physician to Dr. Haddad

For any additional questions please call our office at: 716-876-3737.

Services Offered

  • Adult physical exams and pneumonia and flu vaccine.
  • Management of chronic conditions as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and coronary artery disease.
  • Management of psychological and psychosocial issues such as depression, anxiety.
  • Convenient, in-office testing including: EKG, Spirometry

    Office Hours:

MON-WED: 9AM - 4:30PM
THU: 10:30AM - 6PM
FRI: 8:30AM - 1PM

    Office Location:

3800 Delaware Ave.
Suite 100
Kenmore, NY 14217


Phone: 716-876-3737
Fax: 716-447-0627